It may be time for them to finally face facts and start truly selling assets to cover their bills and clean up their balance sheets once and for all. 时候到了,它们现在可能必须面对现实,真正开始变卖资产,以偿还债务并一劳永逸的清理资产负债表问题。
The assets aren't just risky ones; the government insisted that the agreement cover entire asset classes, so that Citigroup couldn't simply dump toxic loans and securities in the lap of taxpayers. 这其中不只是高风险资产;政府坚持让协议覆盖全部资产类别,这样一来,花旗就不能只将不良贷款和证券资产挑出来推给纳税人来承担。
Where the assets of a sole proprietorship enterprise are not sufficient to repay its debts in full, the sole proprietor shall contribute his other personal assets to cover the difference. 第三十一条个人独资企业财产不足以清偿债务的,投资人应当以其个人的其他财产予以清偿。
The government package contained two items at the top of those investors 'wish-list: financial assistance to purchase toxic assets from banks and a guarantee to cover some of the losses on those assets. 政府的救援计划中包括了这些投资者最想要的两项内容:为购买银行不良资产提供财政援助,以及担保对这些资产的部分损失进行补偿。
Global credit markets yesterday suffered one of their worst trading days this decade amid concerns that some investors are being forced to sell assets to cover losses related to the subprime debacle. 昨天的全球信贷市场,是10年来最糟糕的交易日之一,原因是人们担心一些投资者将被迫出售资产,以弥补次级抵押贷款市场崩盘的相关损失。
If the economy were then in a dire state, equity and property prices would have plunged and the assets would not cover the liability. 如果到时候经济处于极糟糕的状态,那么股价和不动产价格也会跳水,而且届时这些资产将无法保证退休金的发放。
Unfunded or partially funded plans: accumulated assets do not cover liabilities. 无基金或半基金式方案:这种方案积累的资产不足以偿付债务。
Investors fear that some hedge funds and other institutions will soon have no option but to start a fire sale of their assets to cover losses on their portfolios. 投资者担心,一些对冲基金和其它机构很快就会别无选择,只能减价出售资产,以弥补其投资组合的亏损。
It was reformed greatly in 1999, constituting Urumqi petrochemical company made up of good productive assets. An episode of illness may reduce a poor household to penury, especially when they have to sell their productive assets in order to cover health care outlays. 1999年经过较大的机构重组后,以生产性的优良资产为主组成了乌石化公司。一次疾病可以使一个贫困的家庭变得更加穷困,甚至也可以使富人变为贫困者;
State-owned assets are being lost under the cover of the so-called legal civil trade operations; 国有资产在所谓合法民事交易活动遮掩下被层层蚕剥;
An episode of illness may reduce a poor household to penury, especially when they have to sell their productive assets in order to cover health care outlays. 一次疾病可以使一个贫困的家庭变得更加穷困,甚至也可以使富人变为贫困者;